Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Last Summer - 2010 - Our yard has come a long way!

We had not the best growing season last year, but for the most part, my yard and garden still looked pretty good!  These pics show how things looked one year ago!

The plants I starts from seed in the house.  I think I started seeds and of February last year. This picture was June, shortly before plants were moved out.

 Bringing them in at night became a little cumbersome! Yeah, I had a couple pretty big tomatoes!
Hubs had some help this year tilling the garden!  You can see the bales around the edge which were used for our first year of straw bale gardening!  We had great results and will talk more about that as I get the 2011 bales ready in a couple weeks!

 Planting the tomatoes the first week of June.
A cucumber and watermelon that were just planted alongside some marigolds to attract the bees!

Conditioned bales ready to be planted!

The Garden worked and ready for planting and the strawberry and raspberry patches.

The children hitting the strawberries mid June for the first big picking!

A shot of the yard in mid July to show the tree growth!Notice in the bottom right corner, that is the first year of my herb garden!  I tossed a couple veggies in there too - there is a beautiful head of cauliflower ready to pick (click to make the photo big!)!

A picture of our current rain barrel system for collecting water to keep the plants happy!

Our composters with some extra stuff in the middle waiting to go in!

End of August, the garden and the bales.  It was a cold summer and that area where the garden looks bare, yeah, that is my cucumber patch!

Our first potato harvest from the bales!  We were very pleased!!

Fall Cleanup.  Hubs working the garden with piles of clippings ready to return to the top of the garden to spend the fall and spring composting.  Notice all that awesome partially composted straw from the bales getting tossed in the dirt!

A little Autum color!

My little girl picking through the "mountain strawberries" in October!  They produce until the snow buries them!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

2009 - a few pics of the yard in the background of some kiddo pics!

Sharing a big red juicy tomato from the garden!
 Some Delilahs in the flower box up by the house.
 First potatoes of the season from one plant.
 The trees at the back are growing and filling in.
 This was in the spring; you can see the cherry and apple trees in bloom!
 We had hail that year in August and about half my apples got damaged.  I picked the bruised ones and made apple juice out of them.